I was going to post the letter Dr Fraser sent to Senator Bayh, but I found the letter in an email on http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x6185981. It starts out with this:
6185981, Freep forward on Health Care by minkyboodle on Thu Jul-30-09 01:41 PM
My father sent this to me. Anyone know if there is a snopes like entryfor this email. He is up in a lather about it. Here it is:sounds like typical big bad govt stuff to me.
My father sent this to me. Anyone know if there is a snopes like entryfor this email. He is up in a lather about it. Here it is:sounds like typical big bad govt stuff to me.
You only have to actually read it all, let alone do what I did which was to start checking it against the bill, to understand that no doctor wrote it.
It looks like a complete pack of lies and misinformation. The country is up against some formidable forces and unfortunately far too many are gullible and wont check the facts.
Where is a copy of the bill at?
Right here:
(by the way, I noted that there is a Stephen E. Fraser, MD, Anesthesiologist, in Indianapolis.
Guess we've all got some reading and careful comprehension ahead of us...
Here's some info refuting an earlier version of the bogus email:
I don't know if this bill will ever fly or if all that is being said about it is true or false or some of both.
I do know that more people will look into this than ever before and that is a good thing for America whichever side you are on.
Obviously, Stephen E. Fraser MD has health care coverage and has gotten very rich off the system the way it is. Obviously he is not hurting for cash and is scared to death of change. He is probably very well off financially and has not lost his job, had a lapse in coverage, nor has he had pre-existing conditions which resulted in being denied Health Care Coverage.
We know where his loyalties lie. In his pocket book. Check out Drscore.com
I just sat down with a copy of Dr Frasers letter, which was given to me by a frantic patient(I am a dentist) After quickly scanning the letter I could see why she is concerned. It is easy to download the bill. Simply Google "healthcare bill" or HC3200 and it will pop up several links. If one reads the bill and compares it to Dr Frasers letter there is a huge disconnection by what is in the bill and Dr Fraser's interpretation. For example, the statement that the government will have real time access to your finances is the equivalent of the utility company autodrafting your checking account. they are simply lookin at ways to make the healthcare delivery system more efficient. This is just one line reviewed. Check it out yourself. Either Dr Fraser is in the pocket of big medicine, big insurance etc or he is an extremely paranoid professional. CWB
Whenever Obama or Democratic congressional leaders speak on this topic, they always talk in platitudes and broad objectives; none of which a caring person could object. Problem is there are NEVER any specifics. They speak of a public plan. When congress says they will switch from their current plan to their proposed public plan and pay the associated premium and out of pocket costs from their current salary, I will listen. Until then, I think we should all remain skeptical and seek to understand the true facts, not just the endless political rhetoric.
See the following:
This is total crap.
I write a blog called http://www.FaithfulinPrayer.wordpress.com and I'm detailing what the healthcare bill (h.r.3200) actually says. I've also included a page where I'm showing what the bill says in each of the pages referenced in the Stephen Fraser email
I am a practicing physician in San Francisco. I personally contacted Stephen Fraser, MD, an anesthesiologist in Indiana. Dr. Fraser told me that what he'd written to Sen. Bayh was never meant for internet distribution and that what he'd written had been distorted and altered.
There is less irony than one might be inclined to suppose in Patricia Walston's invoking the bible to support attacking legislation whose greatest beneficiaries are the 10s of thousands of poor who have been bankrupted by our current, for-profit health care industry.
As a writer pointed out in a letter published today in the Wall St. Journal, which would you rather have - a panel deciding the limits of allowable health care for an individual that is appointed and representative of, and answerable to, the public, as per the public option, or a panel of for-profit insurance Co. accountants who know that their bonuses depend on how much they can fatten the company's bottom line - which is what goes on now?
As has been pointed out, the doctor that originally wrote it had not intended it for distribution. But the bigger problem is that those on BOTH sides of the debate have taken it upon themselves to rewrite it so it has a new meaning. I wonder how these people would feel if their words were re-written for other meanings?
I agree that our system is broken, and it needs an overhaul. I'm very doubtful that someone legislators and lawmakers have any real concern in the health of constituents. Had they possessed the passion, the system would not be fixed today. "I'm from the government, and I'm hear to help" should invoke the same reaction as a scary movie. I would feel more comfortable by having local civic groups and doctors meet and come up with ideas, and then take them to a state panel which oversees any health care program. Look at how the fed has handled finances. Citizens would be better served by having their administrators closer to home.
Above all remember that government can not give to any citizen something that it has not taken away from someone else.
I don't undersend why other people can not get the free clinic care my sister gets for her family. She has all kinds of healthcare from free clinics.She even gets free food when she needs it form the churches. Maybe you have to research more to get what she seems to get for free. She pays $1. for perscriptions. I have health ins @ the tune of $700 per month with hi deductables for 2 people, but I can go where I want with no one telling me what I can do. I like it that way. I work 2 jobs to afford it. It is my choice. If I want to not work 2 jobs I do not get to choose. We have medicaide now don't we. that takes care of lots of people especially kids. We do not need the government to get anymore in our personal business than they already are.Heck my mom had a knee replacement @ 86 on medicare & is going strong @ 88. Maybe I will feel different when I am too old to work anymore.I'm 61 now.
Don't miss this YouTube regarding the Health Care Legislation
These are astounding and scary facts about the health-care bill. Please call your Congressperson and Senator and tell them you don't want this bill passed. The phone number is the same for both 202 224 3121, ask for your Congressperson or Senator, if you don't know the name tell the operator your zip code and she'll direct you.
YouTube - Know the TRUTH about the Government Health Care Bill H.R.3200 - Key Points
H.R. 3200 (Full Text)
Contacting the Congress (Find your Congressperson and Senator here)
My Name is Lonnie and I am an injured worker in Califorina who is now 100% Disabled and on SSDI because of Workers Comp reform in California that also use the same ideas as this proposed health care bill !! I have never felt so helpless in my life so employee of a State owned work comp Insurance can decide if I need or deserve my meds or any treatment and there are very few Dr's that will except there insurance because they never pay there bills!! America don't let this happen to you becasue if it does you have just given up your rights to Health care that is Just and Fair. This is not Health care reform it is pur and simple Dictatorship of what the Goverment wants to pay for and how much they will pay you will probly die before it gets approved or watch someone you love suffer worse than any animal !! The Time is NOW RISE UP!!!
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