ACORN must be stopped; the government won't do it. It is up to all of us.
You must contact your Congressman and Senators.
This has nothing to do with politics or government. This is not about Republican vs. Democrat. This is corruption. This is voter fraud. And it goes all the way to the top; The President of The United States is directly involved with ACORN!
What do you think ACORN stands for? The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now!
What was Barack Obama's career before politics? Community Organizer! Do the math!
ACORN is the largest radical Leftist group in America today.
ACORN thinks Americans have a Constitutional right to own a home, supports illegally breaking into homes , pressures Blue-Dog Democrats to back radical legislation and generally acts like above-the-law criminals.
ACORN was officially tapped as a Census partner in February and the CRAPulus Spending "Stimulus" Bill contains over $4 Billion for "neighborhood stabilization", i.e. community organizations like ACORN.
National Review noted prior to last fall's election the shady, if not corrupt and illegal relationship between Barack Obama and his community organizer bedfellows at ACORN.
Second Video Shows ACORN Officials Helping 'Pimp,' 'Prostitute' in Washington Office (Video)
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