Some big news to pass along to you. CNN and Fox News have confirmed they will be covering the launch of the "Tea Party Express II: Countdown to Judgment Day" -- and other national networks are arranging to cover the tour as well. What this means is this: we simply MUST have big crowds on hand - especially for our first few rallies We've already paid for radio and TV advertising time to help promote our rallies - and this was made possible because of your financial support. If we don't have large crowds for our early rallies we'll likely lose our media coverage - they'll say that this isn't a big enough news stories. Here's where we've run into the problem: as we've tried to buy radio advertising time on Los Angeles radio stations we are facing severe budget problems. Given that Los Angeles is the 2nd largest media market in the country, the cost of the ads on those stations are exorbitant. But our Los Angeles rally is crucial. We simply MUST have lots of people in attendance given all the media outlets that will be covering the rally. Our radio ads in Los Angeles begin running on Thursday. So we have the next 2 days to raise the money. Right now we're trying to raise $35,000 in the next two days. Will you PLEASE help? You can support us by making the most generous contribution you can afford - HERE. Or, you can mail in a contribution to our headquarters: Our Country Deserves Better Committee ATTN: Tea Party Project 770 L Street #1020 Sacramento, CA 95814The maximum allowed contribution is $5,000 per individual. Most of you will be able to afford less than that. Whatever you contribute, whether it's $25 or $50 or $100, or a more generous contribution of $250, $500 or $1,000 - we are most grateful for your support. More information on the Tea Party Express can be seen in our new TV video: If you liked what we did with the first Tea Party Express you're going to love what we have in store for our second effort. It's going to be even bigger and better yet! So please lend us your support. You can contribute online right now - HERE. Thank you again for your support. We've got a lot of work to do to take our country back, and we couldn't do it without you! |
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