Monday, November 02, 2009
Every blog in America should expose the Washington Post and the New York Times as left wing toadies. Here's why:
We're calling it "High Noon". Possibly the biggest gathering of patriots ever to come to Washington DC to protest a congressional bill.
But the Washington Post and the New York Times are calling it nothing. They're just ignoring it.
From Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachman
I’ve never done this before but I am asking people to come to Washington, D.C., by the carload… I’d love to have every one of your viewers to join me so we can go up and down through the halls, find members of Congress, look at the whites of their eyes and say, 'Don’t take away my healthcare.'
But will there be a media blackout?
A November 2, 2009 search of the New York Times today, shows nothing about Congresswoman Michele Bachman.
Similarly, November 2, 2009 search of the Washington Post today, shows nothing about Congresswoman Michele Bachman.
Call your local newspaper. Call your local radio and television stations and demand an explanation.
Characteristically, the editors and writers from the "fringe media" publications such as the Washington Post and the New York Times are unaccessable, somplace in their ivory towers, planning the political future of mankind as they think it should happen, not as it really is.
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